A Calm State of Mind

If we could achieve a calm, steady state of mind, then we could stay in the courage zone and take whatever steps we need to take to get the life we want.

There is such a wealth of literature, both ancient and modern, written about the benefits of meditation that it is worth taking notice.

The modern take on this ancient practice is called mindfulness.  This is a non-religious, simple technique of clearing your mind in a daily practice so that you become better able to control your focus of attention.  However simple it is to explain, it is not simple to do.  It is not a quick fix, but a practice for life, with profound benefits.

Explore the subject.  Find out what it can offer.  Find out what works for you.  Here is one link to a reputable source of information on mindfulness http://franticworld.com/what-is-mindfulness/

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